Our various Indie Comics and Graphic Novels in development

We are KK Hemmings; creative writers based in the UK. Totally independent, self-funded and determined to self-publish every one of our works.

Crafting the perfect story and then adapting it for comics and graphic novels requires a certain kind of creative mind and skillset.

Good stories with original content, solid characters and interesting plot twists sometimes can take several years to polish.

Collaborating with other Creatives

And then there's the crossover from fully fleshed out story and its transition into the medium of visual storytelling... the world of comics.

As writers, our journey doesn't stop at having written the story. We then have to choose the best artist, colourist and letterer for the task at hand.

And with each creative team that we assemble for a comic project, we then have to adapt our scripts in a unique way that works best for them.

Great Teamwork

We have the greatest respect for all those that work in the creative industries. We believe in and adopt fair practice for all.

If you'd like to earn more about our works, or are interested in supporting or collaborations, then head over to our contact page and drop us a message. We'd really love to hear from you and welcome all support.

Here's some of our indie comic projects that are currently nearing the end of development. Many more are not mentioned here and still being crafted. They're all top-secret so you'll have to follow us on social media to find out launch dates and stuff.

5 Samurai

Graphic Novel

Charlie Sparks

Comic Series

Superhero Zero

Graphic Novel